Friday, July 3, 2009

"I'm blowing this joint!"

We gave away Deric's crib at 10 months, when we moved into the new house, and moved him into his twin size Race Car Bed. The side of the car worked as side rails so he was unable to fall off, or get out for that matter, until about 13months when he grew brave enough to figure out he could very easily get out. He found it challenging to get back in so, we bought him this little step stool and it did the trick.

Now the problem is keeping him in bed at night. So we had to bring in his play pin into his room. We inserted an egg crate mattress and lots of blankets under that so it was nice and cushiony. Oh and lets not forget the satin sheets. He loved the ones in our bed room soooo much that I had to get him his own. This worked beautifully until a he actually jumped out of his play pin! I know, I could not believe it. Oh geez, what are we going to do now?! We're going to have to get a video monitoring unit for his room so we can keep a visual while having the door closed. One of the draw backs of having a 3 foot tall 1 year old.

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